150 Not Out
150 Not Out is the story of a year in the life of Rainhill Cricket Club.
But 2021 was no ordinary year...
...It was the year in which cricket returned to some kind of “normality” following the Covid-19 pandemic. And it also happened to be the year that Rainhill CC celebrated its 150th anniversary season.
Relive the highs and lows of an eventful year, with specific sections dedicated to:
The 1st Team
The 2nd Team
The 3rd Team
The Women’s Team
The Sunday Team
The LMS Team
The Juniors
The Anniversary Gala
Annual Awards

150 Not Out also contains contributions from some of the characters involved with Rainhill CC. Featuring professional quality photography, statistical data and succinct but comprehensive overviews of each team’s achievements, 150 Not Out is not only a record of one club’s season but a tale of how to draw inspiration from the past while moving forward into the future.
Rainhill CC President Peter Mercer offers the following review:
"Rainhill Cricket Club is a Club that means so much to so many. The 150 th year of its history (with a look back over the years) has been excellently documented in this quality production. My sincere thanks and appreciation to Andrew Page, General Editor for his considerable efforts taking all photographs and producing the narrative."
"It is poignantly fitting, that the book is dedicated to John Pearson, a club legend who sadly passed away on 1st March this year.
150 Not Out can be pre-ordered now for £15.00. It can also be purchased at the supporter rate of £25.00 - which will guarantee that your name is printed within the book on the acknowledgements page and that you will receive a copy signed by the editor, club president and club captain.